Our services

The SuperMamans association offers emotional and logistical support to all families who need it, by providing a meal and some time for a chat. This pampering comes in 4 different versions, tailored to the circumstances. Click below on the type of pampering that interests you to find out more.


The pampering support provided by SuperMamans helps families at different times:

Classic pampering

Classic pampering is for families that have just welcomed a baby (birth or adoption), up to 6 months after the return home.



Future mums can opt for pre-pampering starting at 24 weeks of pregnancy, when there’s a risk of premature labour, with moderate or strict bed rest.

bichonnage de soutien

Supportive pampering

Supportive pampering is provided to young mums during the infant’s first year, when mums are still feeling a bit emotionally vulnerable, experiencing postpartum depression, perinatal bereavement or any other traumatic event.

Bichonnage proches aidants

Caregiver pampering

When a family is affected by a traumatic event (for example, bereavement, illness or accident) experienced by a member of the household requiring temporary support, caregiver pampering is offered.