Caregiver pampering is for families affected by a traumatic event, for example, a bereavement, accident or illness. If you or a member of your family has an operation scheduled and you need temporary support, sign up!
Caregiver pampering is for families with a young child or young children with one parent who is hospitalised or who has a serious illness, or a hospitalised child who needs to have a parent stay with them at the hospital. The objective of caregiver pampering is to support the family unit as a whole when a hardship is encountered, such as when a family member is hospitalised or is suffering. All requests are analysed by the board.
Once the request has been approved, the SuperMamans volunteers, the GiftMamas, will bring one or more hot ready-to eat-meals for the entire family. We hope that this will lighten the family’s load during this time of crisis and bring some small comfort. At the request of you or your family, the GiftMama can also stay a little while to chat and share some time together.
It takes about 10 days for us to plan your pampering, from the date on which you inform us of the birth of your baby and confirm your availabilities. If you’d like for your pampering to start quickly, provide us with this information as soon as possible. This way, we’ll be able to get as many volunteers as possible for you!
When you sign up, please indicate any food allergies and/or foods you must avoid. The GiftMamas will be informed, and they’ll cook their meals in accordance with these requirements. SuperMamans also provides them with recommendations regarding food hygiene and information specific to pregnancy and breastfeeding.*
You’ll receive your pampering programme with the contact details of each GiftMama who’ll come pamper you. They’ll contact you before coming over, but you can also contact them if necessary.
We do request that, at a minimum, you come to the door to greet the volunteers, accept their meals and thank them. The GiftMamas provide you with a meal they have cooked for you during their free time.
Out of respect for the GiftMamas who have made a commitment to pamper you, let them know as soon as possible if the programme changes or if you’re unable to have them come over. We ask our volunteers to do the same for you, if something comes up and they’re unable to visit you.
After the GiftMama, who is acting on an entirely voluntary basis, has provided you with her meal, don’t forget to thank her, ideally in writing. She’s given you the gift of her time, expecting nothing other than a “thank you” from you!
Your registration is subject to our privacy policy.
*The sole objective of SuperMamans is to bring people into contact with each other for the purposes of mutual assistance and interconnection. SuperMamans cannot be held liable for any problems arising from non-compliance with an allergy recommendation.